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Dr. Manuel Bañobre-Lopez

Magnetic hydrogels: from fundamentals to medical applications.

Short Abstract:

The interaction of magnetic nanomaterials with an external magnetic field have been greatly exploited in medical applications. The tuneable magnetic properties and the versatile surface chemistry of magnetic nanoparticles make them suitable building blocks to form multifunctional nanostructures, such as magnetic hybrid conjugates and hydrogels, of increasing interest for imaging and theranostic applications. Magnetic hydrogels can offer a suitable platform for fundamental studies and, at the same time, enable interesting applications in the biomedical field. In this talk, some representative hydrogel-related magnetic (nano)systems will be described that were involved in both fundamental and applied studies targeting advanced imaging and theranostic applications.

Short CV:

Manuel Bañobre (MB) graduated in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela and obtained his PhD degree in Solid State Chemistry from the same University. He has been a research visitor in the University of Texas at Austin and in 2011 he joined as research fellow the International Nanotechnology Laboratory at Braga, Portugal, where he currently leads the Nanomedicine Group and coordinates the Precise Personalized HealthTech Cluster. MB’s research focuses on the engineering of multifunctional magnetic nanostructures as nanomedical platforms for theranostic applications, mainly focused on disease-targeted imaging diagnosis and magnetic-assisted therapy. He has led competitive research projects funded by EU, national and regional bodies. He has published around 80 peer-reviewed papers, granted 2 patents and contributed to the creation of the nanotechnology-based spin-off, as well as (co)supervised several (post)doctoral fellows and students.

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