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Day 1

Opening Session

09h:00 - 09h:30

09h:45 - 10h:30

Professor Ehud Gazit

The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel

10h:30 - 10h:55

Dr. Ricardo Pires

3B`s Research Group, University of Minho, Portugal

Session 1

Chair: Dr. Lino Ferreira

Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology, University of
Coimbra, Portugal

10h:55 - 11h:05

Coffee Break

Session 2

Chair: Professor Maria João Queiroz

Chemistry Centre, University of Minho, Portugal

11h:05 - 11h:30

Dr. José Alberto Martins

Chemistry Centre, University of Minho, Portugal

11h:30 - 11h:55

Dr. Loic Hilliou

Institute of Polymers and Composites, University of Minho, Portugal

11h:55 - 14h:00


Session 3

Chair: Professor Maria Fernanda Proença

Chemistry Centre, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

14h:00 - 14h:45

School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, UK

Professor Dave Adams

14h:45 - 15h:10

Professor Miguel Gama

Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal

Professor Bing Xu

Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University , USA

15h:10 - 15h:55

15h:55 - 16h:05

Coffee Break

16h:05 - 16h:50

Professor Ana Roque

Department of Chemistry, Nova School of Science and Technology, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal

Day 2

Session 4

Chair: Dr. Susana Costa

Chemistry Centre, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

09h:00 - 09h:45

Professor Ian Hamley

Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, UK

09h:45 - 10h:10

Dr. David Pereira

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal

10h:10 - 10h:35

Dr. Manuel Bañobre-Lopez

International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

10h:35 - 11h:00

Coffee Break

Session 5

Chair: Dr. Patricia Valentão

Faculty of Pharmacy,University of Porto, Portugal

Dr. Romeu Videira

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal

11h:25 - 11h:50

Dr. Helena Azevedo

School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK

11h:00 - 11h:25

11h:50 - 14h:00


Session 6

Chair: Dr. Iva Pashkuleva

3B’s Research Group, University of Minho, Portugal

14h:00 - 14h:25

Dr. Peter Jervis

Chemistry Centre, University of Minho, Portugal

14h:25 - 15h:10

Professor Rein Ulijn

Hunter College City, University of New York, USA

15h:10 - 17h:00

Poster Session

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