Great strides have been made in the area of hydrogel science since the first hydrogels were described in the 1960s. Hydrogelation occurs in response to a physical or chemical stimulus, such as temperature, pH, electric or magnetic field, enzymatic modification, light and others. These three-dimensional networks consisting of mainly water molecules represent a unique class of materials, with many applications including cell therapeutics, cartilage/bone regeneration, sustained drug release and drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting and extracellular culture medium (ECM) for cancer cells, stem cells and neuronal cells. ChemBioGels 2021 will feature on-going work in the area of hydrogel science.
Great strides have been made in the area of hydrogel science since the first hydrogels were described in the 1960s. Hydrogelation occurs in response to a physical or chemical stimulus, such as temperature, pH, electric or magnetic field, enzymatic modification, light and others. These three-dimensional networks consisting of mainly water molecules represent a unique class of materials, with many applications including cell therapeutics, cartilage/bone regeneration, sustained drug release and drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting and extracellular culture medium (ECM) for cancer cells, stem cells and neuronal cells. ChemBioGels 2021 will feature on-going work in the area of hydrogel science.
Great strides have been made in the area of hydrogel science since the first hydrogels were described in the 1960s. Hydrogelation occurs in response to a physical or chemical stimulus, such as temperature, pH, electric or magnetic field, enzymatic modification, light and others. These three-dimensional networks consisting of mainly water molecules represent a unique class of materials, with many applications including cell therapeutics, cartilage/bone regeneration, sustained drug release and drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting and extracellular culture medium (ECM) for cancer cells, stem cells and neuronal cells. ChemBioGels 2021 will feature on-going work in the area of hydrogel science.
Professor Ehud Gazit
Professor Ehud Gazit

Professor Ian Hamley
Bioactive Self-Assembling Peptides and Lipopeptides: Sols and Gels
Short Abstract:
I will review selected examples of recent work in my group that exploits the self-assembly propensity of designed peptides to control their diverse structures and bioactivities in aqueous solutions and gels. I will discuss highlights of recent research on arginine-containing surfactant-like peptides which show strong interesting self-assembly behaviour (including hydrogel and emulsion formation) and selective activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. I will also briefly outline selected discoveries on bioactive self-assembling lipopeptides including those with anti-cancer, toll-like receptor agonist, organocatalytic and collagen-stimulating properties including those with bioactive gel properties. Finally, I will discuss work on amyloid peptides especially those containing the core KLVFF motif from Amyloid b (Ab) that are able to hinder the potentially damaging (neurodegenerative) aggregation of Ab.
Short CV:
Professor Ian W. Hamley is Diamond Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Reading. He has more than 25 years’ experience of research on different types of soft materials, including peptides, polymers, liquid crystals and surfactants. He received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2011, the RSC Peter Day Award for Materials Chemistry (2016) and the MacroGroup UK Medal (2017). His research programme focuses on the self-assembly of peptide materials and its relationship to bioactivity. He has supervised more than fifty postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers and has published over 400 papers and five authored books as well as many edited books and chapters.